tl;dr: propose the usage of Gao et al.’s MI estimator for multivariate data (computable up to 30) and comparison against other notions of X-information (plus estimators) on different case studies.
Paper: Crypto 2024 or ePrint Version.
tl;dr: an extremely lightweight, secure, distributed protocol for authentication and communication within vehicular networks (VANETs).
Paper: IEEE Early Access or personal pdf.
tl;dr: a massive systematization of PKE with different flavours of opening/corruptions compared using a modular framework.
Paper: PKC 2024 or ePrint Full Version.
tl;dr: investigation of multi-instance security notions for non-perfectly correct PKE scheme, prove of multi-instance security inheritance for hybrid encryption scheme plus ad instantiation.
Paper: PKC 2023 or ePrint Full Version.
tl;dr: we show that sometimes ML has an advantage in distinguishing between Deterministic Random Bit Generators (DBRGs)
Paper: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (Vol. 12 2022) or personal pdf.
Code: Original repo, GitHub repo or project page
tl;dr: A protocol for instantiating a time-discrete, secure and consistent communication based on a one-way delay function.
Paper: PROVSEC 2021 or personal pdf.
tl;dr: design of a protocol for the secure aggregation of a federated learning model in a distributed manner.
Paper: ISC 2021 or personal pdf.
tl;dr: design of a protocol for the secure aggregation of a federated learning model in a distributed manner.
Paper: ACISP 2021, ePrint or personal pdf.
Code: Original repo, GitHub repo or project page
tl;dr: Provide the existence of a code-based zero-knowledge PRF argument.
Paper: ISC 2019 or personal pdf.
Paper: ProvSec 2018’s Workshop, published in Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS) (Vol.8 Issue 4) or personal pdf.
tl;dr: We show that it is possible to take some of GDPR’s rules, translate them into a formal security property and design a protocol that achieves such privacy guarantees.
Paper: CANS 2018 or personal pdf.
Code: Original repo.
tl;dr: Prove that the incorrectness property of encryption scheme implies differential privacy. Plus, an example on how this can be exploited in a real scheme.
Paper: ISC 2017 or personal pdf.
tl;dr: Better bounds on counting the number of hidden sums plus algorithms to search for them for attacking linear maps.
Paper: WCC 2017, extended version in Discrete Mathematics (Vol. 342) or personal pdf.
tl;dr: Search a suspicious news online, retrieve images and compare if there are similar ones creating relations between news, mainly (try to) reconstruct the timeline by using metadata.
Paper: ICMEW 2015 or personal pdf